2024-W25 - 17 to 23 June

Watching Dark has been one of the most confusing TV experiences I’ve had. When it first came out, I barely made it through episode one before giving up. It just felt too pretentious - all those philosophical lines and characters that seemed to be waiting for their cue to say something profound. The whole thing struck me as trying too hard. But for some reason, I decided to give it another shot.

Jonas from Dark
Jonas from Dark

Now I’m in Season 3, the final season, and I still have mixed feelings. Part of me feels stupid for sticking with it. The writing often comes across as overly self-important, and there are times when I’m scoffing at the dialogue or scenes. Yet here I am, pushing through to the end. Maybe it’s stubbornness, or maybe it’s genuine curiosity about how they’ll wrap everything up. I’m not sure if I’ll end up feeling satisfied or if I’ll regret the time I’ve invested.

The Week in Links

🖥️ Matt Evans’s MicroMac

🤖 Approximately 5.4 billion people used the internet in 2023. Bots generate nearly half of internet traffic, increasing from 47.6% to 49.6% in 2023.

How will your city feel in the future? by Derek Taylor

Climate Zones by Derek Taylor
Climate Zones by Derek Taylor

🦩 A photographer has been disqualified from a picture competition after his real photograph won in the AI image category.

🖼️ The Google Visitor Experience

🗣️ Seven Conversation Hacks

🔎 Should I remove this blog from Google Search?

Thoughts? Email me.

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